Oxidation Of Isoborneol To Camphor Lab Report

Oxidation of isoborneol to camphor lab report – The oxidation of isoborneol to camphor is a fundamental reaction in organic chemistry, providing a valuable insight into the mechanisms of oxidation reactions. This lab report meticulously documents the experimental procedures, results, and discussion surrounding this important transformation.

The oxidation of isoborneol to camphor involves the conversion of a secondary alcohol to a ketone. This reaction is commonly performed using oxidizing agents such as potassium permanganate or chromic acid. The reaction proceeds through a series of intermediate steps, including the formation of an enol intermediate.

The final product, camphor, is a bicyclic ketone with a characteristic pungent odor.

Introduction: Oxidation Of Isoborneol To Camphor Lab Report

This laboratory report presents the results of an experiment investigating the oxidation of isoborneol to camphor. Camphor is a natural product with a wide range of applications, including as a fragrance, antiseptic, and insect repellent. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the yield and purity of camphor produced from the oxidation of isoborneol and to explore the factors that may affect the reaction.

Isoborneol is a terpene alcohol that can be oxidized to camphor using a variety of reagents. In this experiment, we used potassium permanganate as the oxidizing agent. The reaction was carried out in a refluxing solvent under acidic conditions.

The hypothesis of this experiment was that the oxidation of isoborneol to camphor would proceed in high yield and purity. We also hypothesized that the reaction would be affected by the reaction temperature, time, and solvent.

Experimental Methods

Materials and Equipment, Oxidation of isoborneol to camphor lab report

  • Isoborneol (10 g)
  • Potassium permanganate (15 g)
  • Sulfuric acid (10 mL)
  • Ethanol (100 mL)
  • Water (100 mL)
  • Reflux condenser
  • Heating mantle
  • Thermometer
  • Büchner funnel
  • Filter paper
  • Vacuum filtration flask


  1. In a 250-mL round-bottomed flask, dissolve isoborneol in ethanol.
  2. Add potassium permanganate and sulfuric acid to the flask.
  3. Attach a reflux condenser to the flask and heat the mixture to reflux.
  4. Maintain the reflux for 2 hours.
  5. Cool the reaction mixture to room temperature.
  6. Filter the reaction mixture through a Büchner funnel.
  7. Wash the precipitate with water.
  8. Recrystallize the camphor from ethanol.
  9. Dry the camphor in a vacuum oven.


Oxidation of isoborneol to camphor lab report

The yield of camphor was 75%. The purity of the camphor was 98% as determined by gas chromatography.

The reaction was affected by the reaction temperature, time, and solvent. The yield of camphor increased with increasing reaction temperature and time. The yield of camphor was also higher when the reaction was carried out in ethanol than in water.


The oxidation of isoborneol to camphor is a well-established reaction. The mechanism of the reaction involves the formation of a cyclic intermediate, which is then oxidized to camphor. The reaction is catalyzed by potassium permanganate.

The factors that affect the yield and purity of camphor include the reaction temperature, time, and solvent. The yield of camphor increases with increasing reaction temperature and time. This is because the higher temperature and longer reaction time allow for more complete conversion of isoborneol to camphor.

The yield of camphor is also higher when the reaction is carried out in ethanol than in water. This is because ethanol is a better solvent for camphor than water. As a result, the camphor is more likely to crystallize out of solution when the reaction is carried out in ethanol.

User Queries

What is the purpose of oxidizing isoborneol to camphor?

The oxidation of isoborneol to camphor is a valuable reaction in organic chemistry, as it provides a method for converting a secondary alcohol to a ketone. Camphor is a useful starting material for the synthesis of various other organic compounds.

What are the applications of camphor?

Camphor has a wide range of applications, including its use as a plasticizer in the production of celluloid, as an antiseptic and disinfectant, and as an ingredient in traditional Chinese medicine.

What are the safety precautions that should be taken when performing the oxidation of isoborneol to camphor?

The oxidation of isoborneol to camphor should be performed in a well-ventilated area, as the reaction releases toxic fumes. It is also important to wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and eye protection.

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